Last name starts with: A‏-‏B  C‏-‏D  E‏-‏G  H‏-‏K  L‏-‏M  N‏-‏R  S‏-‏T  U‏-‏Z   New yearHelp
Norte ClassGraduation NameContact StatusUpdate
PictureClass of 1969 (363)Have 98 Missing 235
Pat Salmond: class of 1969, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Pat SalmondWe need:
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Anna Sarron: class of 1969, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Anna SarronWe need:
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ROBERT SCHABERT: class of 1969, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.ROBERT SCHABERTSend a messageUpdate our files?
Carol Schafer: class of 1969, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Carol SchaferWe need:
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Marilyn Schindler: class of 1969, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Marilyn SchindlerWe need:
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Eric Schlager: class of 1969, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Eric SchlagerSend a messageUpdate our files?
Kathy Schleicher: class of 1969, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Kathy SchleicherWe need:
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Shirley Schwan: class of 1969, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Shirley SchwanWe need:
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Ron Secco: class of 1969, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Ron SeccoWe need:
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George Senna: class of 1969, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.George SennaWe need:
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Ken Shaidell: class of 1969, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Ken ShaidellWe need:
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Susan Shaw: class of 1969, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Susan ShawSend a messageUpdate our files?
Travis Shellnut: class of 1969, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Travis ShellnutWe need:
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Not availableTRAVIS SHELNUTTDeceased  
Judy Shephard: class of 1969, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Judy ShephardWe need:
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Christine Shilay-Hobbs: class of 1969, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Christine Shilay-HobbsSend a messageUpdate our files?
Bob Shillings: class of 1969, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Bob ShillingsWe need:
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Randy Shiroi: class of 1969, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Randy ShiroiWe need:
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DIANA SHOOK: class of 1969, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.DIANA SHOOKDeceased  
Shirley Sills: class of 1969, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Shirley SillsWe need:
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Steve Sills: class of 1969, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Steve SillsWe need:
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Jackie Silva: class of 1969, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Jackie SilvaWe need:
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Mike Silva: class of 1969, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Mike SilvaWe need:
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DANIEL SIMMS: class of 1969, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.DANIEL SIMMSSend a messageUpdate our files?
Roger Sing: class of 1969, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Roger SingSend a messageUpdate our files?
Gary Slobe: class of 1969, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Gary SlobeWe need:
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Brad Smith: class of 1969, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Brad SmithWe need:
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Heather Smith: class of 1969, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Heather SmithWe need:
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Ray Smith: class of 1969, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Ray SmithWe need:
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Russell Smith: class of 1969, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Russell SmithWe need:
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Willie Smith: class of 1969, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Willie SmithWe need:
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Karen Sopwith: class of 1969, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Karen SopwithWe need:
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Ron Spence: class of 1969, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Ron SpenceWe need:
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KATHLEEN (Kathy) SPILLARD: class of 1969, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.KATHLEEN (Kathy) SPILLARDSend a messageUpdate our files?
John Sprenger: class of 1969, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.John SprengerWe need:
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Gary Staker: class of 1969, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Gary StakerWe need:
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Danny Steele: class of 1969, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Danny SteeleWe need:
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Sherrill Steely: class of 1969, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Sherrill SteelyWe need:
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Paul Steinkamp: class of 1969, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Paul SteinkampSend a messageUpdate our files?
EUGENE STEPHENS: class of 1969, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.EUGENE STEPHENSSend a messageUpdate our files?
GARY STEVENS: class of 1969, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.GARY STEVENSWe need:
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VIRGINIA STEWART: class of 1969, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.VIRGINIA STEWARTWe need:
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MARTHA STRINGER: class of 1969, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.MARTHA STRINGERWe need:
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Chris Stringfellow: class of 1969, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Chris StringfellowDeceased  
STEVEN THALE: class of 1969, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.STEVEN THALEWe need:
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Mary Ann Thornton: class of 1969, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Mary Ann ThorntonSend a messageUpdate our files?
Joane Tilson: class of 1969, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Joane TilsonWe need:
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RICHARD TISDAL: class of 1969, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.RICHARD TISDALSend a messageUpdate our files?
ARTHUR TORRES: class of 1969, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.ARTHUR TORRESSend a messageUpdate our files?
Nona Torres: class of 1969, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Nona TorresWe need:
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MICHAEL TOULOUSE: class of 1969, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.MICHAEL TOULOUSEDeceased  
Debby Toulson: class of 1969, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Debby ToulsonSend a messageUpdate our files?
Donna TRIMBLE: class of 1969, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Donna TRIMBLESend a messageUpdate our files?
Larry Tucker: class of 1969, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Larry TuckerSend a messageUpdate our files?
Roxie Turner: class of 1969, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Roxie TurnerWe need:
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