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Norte ClassGraduation NameContact StatusUpdate
PictureClass of 1958 (254)Have 133 Missing 113
Not availableWinona CaldeiraWe need:
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Bill Calvo: class of 1958, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Bill CalvoSend a messageUpdate our files?
Effie Carney: class of 1958, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Effie CarneyWe need:
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Not availableGeneva CarneyWe need:
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Gerrie Carney: class of 1958, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Gerrie CarneyWe need:
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Sharon Carpenter: class of 1958, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Sharon CarpenterWe need:
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Marlyn K Causey: class of 1958, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Marlyn K CauseyWe need:
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Sammy Cemo: class of 1958, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Sammy CemoSend a messageUpdate our files?
Carol M Chapman: class of 1958, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Carol M ChapmanWe need:
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Lana Clemens: class of 1958, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Lana ClemensWe need:
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Bob Coffelt: class of 1958, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Bob CoffeltSend a messageUpdate our files?
Virginia Coffey: class of 1958, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Virginia CoffeyWe need:
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Carmen Contreraz: class of 1958, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Carmen ContrerazWe need:
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Not availablePatricia L CoronadoWe need:
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James Counts: class of 1958, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.James CountsWe need:
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James Cozine: class of 1958, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.James CozineWe need:
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Cathy Cregan: class of 1958, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Cathy CreganSend a messageUpdate our files?
Vernon Cripe: class of 1958, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Vernon CripeWe need:
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Linda Crook: class of 1958, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Linda CrookSend a messageUpdate our files?
Gaylene Davis: class of 1958, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Gaylene DavisWe need:
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George Davis: class of 1958, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.George DavisWe need:
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Not availableJames DeitzerWe need:
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Jan Dewoody: class of 1958, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Jan DewoodyWe need:
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Joe Diaz: class of 1958, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Joe DiazSend a messageUpdate our files?
Dave Dickenson: class of 1958, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Dave DickensonWe need:
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Pat Dinsmore: class of 1958, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Pat DinsmoreWe need:
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Not availableHENRY DOERINGWe need:
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Mary Jane Dougherty: class of 1958, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Mary Jane DoughertyWe need:
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Michael Downing: class of 1958, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Michael DowningDeceased  
Jeannie Dunning: class of 1958, Norte Del Rio High School, Sacramento, CA.Jeannie DunningWe need:
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