Last name starts with: A‏-‏B  C‏-‏D  E‏-‏G  H‏-‏K  L‏-‏M  N‏-‏R  S‏-‏T  U‏-‏Z   New yearHelp
Grant ClassGraduation NameContact StatusUpdate
PictureClass of 1958 (398)Have 188 Missing 83
MARY KAY UNDEN: class of 1958, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.MARY KAY UNDENWe need:
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DOROTHY UNDERWOOD: class of 1958, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.DOROTHY UNDERWOODDeceased  
LUPE VALLE: class of 1958, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.LUPE VALLEWe need:
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DONALD VAN SKIKE: class of 1958, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.DONALD VAN SKIKEDeceased  
RON VAN SKIKE: class of 1958, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.RON VAN SKIKEWe need:
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EDDIE VAUGHT: class of 1958, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.EDDIE VAUGHTDeceased  
GARY VROMAN: class of 1958, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.GARY VROMANDeceased  
WALTER WADE, JR.: class of 1958, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.WALTER WADE, JR.Send a messageUpdate our files?
DORIS WAGNER: class of 1958, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.DORIS WAGNERDeceased  
RICHARD WALTERSCHEID: class of 1958, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.RICHARD WALTERSCHEIDWe need:
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LOIS WATTS: class of 1958, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.LOIS WATTSDeceased  
ELIZABETH WEBER: class of 1958, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.ELIZABETH WEBERWe need:
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MARCIA WEBER: class of 1958, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.MARCIA WEBERDeceased  
LINDA WEEMS: class of 1958, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.LINDA WEEMSWe need:
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Not availableWALTER WELCHWe need:
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LARRY WELLS: class of 1958, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.LARRY WELLSWe need:
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PATRICIA WELLS: class of 1958, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.PATRICIA WELLSDeceased  
GLENN WELTY: class of 1958, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.GLENN WELTYDeceased  
DON WHAPLES: class of 1958, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.DON WHAPLESWe need:
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DAVID WHITAKER: class of 1958, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.DAVID WHITAKERWe need:
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LOIS WHITE: class of 1958, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.LOIS WHITEWe need:
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ESSIE WIGFALL: class of 1958, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.ESSIE WIGFALLWe need:
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JAY WIGFALL: class of 1958, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.JAY WIGFALLWe need:
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MARION WILLIAMS: class of 1958, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.MARION WILLIAMSDeceased  
PATRICIA WILLIAMS: class of 1958, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.PATRICIA WILLIAMSWe need:
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DENNIS WILSON: class of 1958, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.DENNIS WILSONWe need:
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KAREN WILSON: class of 1958, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.KAREN WILSONSend a messageUpdate our files?
Camera ShyMARSHALL WILSONDeceased  
RUSSELL WILSON: class of 1958, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.RUSSELL WILSONDeceased  
Not availableBARBARA WISSINKWe need:
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Not availableDONNA WOODSSend a messageUpdate our files?
Camera ShyJAMES WORTHSend a messageUpdate our files?
RICHARD WORTHINGTON: class of 1958, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.RICHARD WORTHINGTONWe need:
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BARBARA E WRYE: class of 1958, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.BARBARA E WRYEWe need:
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BRUCE YEAGER: class of 1958, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.BRUCE YEAGERWe need:
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JAMES YEISLEY: class of 1958, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.JAMES YEISLEYWe need:
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MARIE YENGER: class of 1958, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.MARIE YENGERWe need:
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Not availableBILL YOAKIMDeceased  
DOUGLAS YOUNG: class of 1958, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.DOUGLAS YOUNGWe need:
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JESSE YOUNG: class of 1958, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.JESSE YOUNGSend a messageUpdate our files?
ROBERT YOUNG: class of 1958, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.ROBERT YOUNGSend a messageUpdate our files?
DWAYNE ZAJIC: class of 1958, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.DWAYNE ZAJICSend a messageUpdate our files?
Last name starts with: A‏-‏B  C‏-‏D  E‏-‏G  H‏-‏K  L‏-‏M  N‏-‏R  S‏-‏T  U‏-‏Z   New yearHelp