Last name starts with: A‏-‏B  C‏-‏D  E‏-‏G  H‏-‏K  L‏-‏M  N‏-‏R  S‏-‏T  U‏-‏Z   New yearHelp
Grant ClassGraduation NameContact StatusUpdate
PictureClass of 1951 (431)Have 153 Missing 89
GARY NELSON: class of 1951, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.GARY NELSONDeceased  
ROY NELSON: class of 1951, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.ROY NELSONDeceased  
SHIRLEY NELSON: class of 1951, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.SHIRLEY NELSONDeceased  
Not availableJAMES NEWSOMDeceased  
BOB NICOLAUS: class of 1951, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.BOB NICOLAUSWe need:
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JUNE NIELSEN: class of 1951, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.JUNE NIELSENDeceased  
BERNICE N. NILSEN: class of 1951, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.BERNICE N. NILSENSend a messageUpdate our files?
BETTY NORDINE: class of 1951, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.BETTY NORDINEDeceased  
PAUL NOREHAD: class of 1951, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.PAUL NOREHADWe need:
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THADDEA OLIVER: class of 1951, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.THADDEA OLIVERWe need:
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JACK OLMSTEAD: class of 1951, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.JACK OLMSTEADWe need:
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MARJORIE ORPINELA: class of 1951, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.MARJORIE ORPINELASend a messageUpdate our files?
CHARLES ORTH: class of 1951, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.CHARLES ORTHDeceased  
CLEVE OVERSTREET: class of 1951, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.CLEVE OVERSTREETDeceased  
GWEN OXFORD: class of 1951, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.GWEN OXFORDDeceased  
Camera ShyISLANDIA PAPALIADeceased  
Camera ShyBILL PATRICKWe need:
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Not availableGLEN PENNERWe need:
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IRVING PENROSE: class of 1951, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.IRVING PENROSEWe need:
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JACKIE PEPER: class of 1951, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.JACKIE PEPERDeceased  
RUTH PERETTI: class of 1951, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.RUTH PERETTIDeceased  
PATSY PERKINS: class of 1951, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.PATSY PERKINSWe need:
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SONDRA PETERSON: class of 1951, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.SONDRA PETERSONWe need:
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DICK PHILLIPS: class of 1951, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.DICK PHILLIPSDeceased  
JACKIE PHILLIPS: class of 1951, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.JACKIE PHILLIPSDeceased  
JOHNIE PIERATT: class of 1951, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.JOHNIE PIERATTDeceased  
MAGGRIE POOR: class of 1951, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.MAGGRIE POORDeceased  
ROSS PRICE: class of 1951, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.ROSS PRICEDeceased  
ARTHUR PULLMAN: class of 1951, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.ARTHUR PULLMANDeceased  
MARY PURVIS: class of 1951, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.MARY PURVISDeceased  
PEGGY RANDLEMON: class of 1951, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.PEGGY RANDLEMONSend a messageUpdate our files?
HELEN RATHBONE: class of 1951, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.HELEN RATHBONEDeceased  
WILLIAM RAVENSCROFT: class of 1951, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.WILLIAM RAVENSCROFTDeceased  
Not availableMARILYN RAYWe need:
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RAY RAYMOND: class of 1951, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.RAY RAYMONDWe need:
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MARILYN REA: class of 1951, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.MARILYN REAWe need:
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Camera ShyJOYCE REDDDeceased  
ELLA REECE: class of 1951, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.ELLA REECEDeceased  
MARY RHEA: class of 1951, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.MARY RHEASend a messageUpdate our files?
ROSIE RHINEHART: class of 1951, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.ROSIE RHINEHARTDeceased  
Not availableLALEY RUTH RICHARDSWe need:
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ROBERT RIEB: class of 1951, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.ROBERT RIEBDeceased  
LAVERNE ROBERTSON: class of 1951, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.LAVERNE ROBERTSONWe need:
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LELAND ROBINSON: class of 1951, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.LELAND ROBINSONDeceased  
Not availableVIVIAN ROSEWe need:
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Not availableWALTER ROSEDeceased  
GERALD ROSELL: class of 1951, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.GERALD ROSELLDeceased  
SUSIE ROSS: class of 1951, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.SUSIE ROSSDeceased  
GAIL RUBY: class of 1951, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.GAIL RUBYDeceased  
LUCILLE RUTHERFORD: class of 1951, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.LUCILLE RUTHERFORDWe need:
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RICKEY RUTHERFORD: class of 1951, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.RICKEY RUTHERFORDDeceased  
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