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Grant ClassGraduation NameContact StatusUpdate
PictureClass of 1939 (267)Have 23 Missing 59
ROGER HALSEY: class of 1939, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.ROGER HALSEYDeceased  
KATHRYN HARBEKE: class of 1939, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.KATHRYN HARBEKEDeceased  
ROBERT HARRIS: class of 1939, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.ROBERT HARRISDeceased  
JEAN ALTHE HART: class of 1939, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.JEAN ALTHE HARTWe need:
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LORRAINE HAWORTH: class of 1939, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.LORRAINE HAWORTHWe need:
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VELDA HAYEN: class of 1939, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.VELDA HAYENDeceased  
DONALD HEDGE: class of 1939, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.DONALD HEDGEWe need:
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HARRY HELIN: class of 1939, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.HARRY HELINWe need:
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DELBERT HICOK: class of 1939, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.DELBERT HICOKDeceased  
ARTHUR JR. HINDS: class of 1939, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.ARTHUR JR. HINDSWe need:
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WILMA HIRST: class of 1939, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.WILMA HIRSTDeceased  
JOHN HOBDAY: class of 1939, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.JOHN HOBDAYDeceased  
PAUL HOEFLING: class of 1939, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.PAUL HOEFLINGDeceased  
FRED HOGAN: class of 1939, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.FRED HOGANDeceased  
PAUL HOLSINGER: class of 1939, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.PAUL HOLSINGERDeceased  
ROBERT HOLSINGER: class of 1939, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.ROBERT HOLSINGERDeceased  
BETTE HOOPER: class of 1939, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.BETTE HOOPERDeceased  
JACK HORNER: class of 1939, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.JACK HORNERWe need:
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EILEEN HOUSER: class of 1939, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.EILEEN HOUSERDeceased  
GEORGE HUNTER: class of 1939, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.GEORGE HUNTERDeceased  
MARCELLA HVEEM: class of 1939, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.MARCELLA HVEEMWe need:
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MARTIN HVEEM: class of 1939, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.MARTIN HVEEMDeceased  
FRANK IKEDA: class of 1939, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.FRANK IKEDADeceased  
LA VERNA JAMES: class of 1939, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.LA VERNA JAMESWe need:
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MARY JAMES: class of 1939, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.MARY JAMESWe need:
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EDWARD JIMENEZ: class of 1939, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.EDWARD JIMENEZDeceased  
BONNIE JOHNSON: class of 1939, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.BONNIE JOHNSONDeceased  
J. ALLEN JONES: class of 1939, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.J. ALLEN JONESDeceased  
LESLIE JONES: class of 1939, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.LESLIE JONESDeceased  
MILDRED JONES: class of 1939, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.MILDRED JONESDeceased  
ORLIE JONES: class of 1939, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.ORLIE JONESDeceased  
HADA JORGENSEN: class of 1939, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.HADA JORGENSENWe need:
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JOHANNA JORGENSEN: class of 1939, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.JOHANNA JORGENSENWe need:
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MARNELLE KELLEY: class of 1939, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.MARNELLE KELLEYDeceased  
HOWARD KING: class of 1939, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.HOWARD KINGRemoved by Request 
RUBY KISOR: class of 1939, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.RUBY KISORWe need:
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BETTY KRAUSHAR: class of 1939, Grant Union High School, Sacramento, CA.BETTY KRAUSHARDeceased  
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