Grant Class | Graduation Name | Contact Status | Update |
Picture | Class of 1937 (140) | Have 14 | Missing 26 |
| PHYLIS NELSON | Deceased | |
| HOWARD NOTLEY | We need: email Street address | Add to our files |
| MILES OSMER | Deceased | |
| JAMES PAGE | We need: email Street address | Add to our files |
| CHARLES PALMERLEE | Deceased | |
| LEW PARRISH | We need: email | Add to our files |
| THELMA B. PERRY | We need: email | Add to our files |
| ALBERT PESTER | Deceased | |
| CLARA PETERSEN | Deceased | |
| KIMBAL LEO PETERSEN | Deceased | |
| ALFRED PROCTOR | We need: email Street address | Add to our files |
| FRANK QUINTON | Deceased | |
| LOUISE REVERING | Deceased | |
Camera Shy | MARIE ROSSE | Deceased | |
| DONALD RUNYAN | Deceased | |
| ZELMA RUNYAN | Deceased | |
| MARY ELLEN RYAN | Deceased | |